The prepayment form
Conversions happen here. Make it easy for donors to give with fewer fields and personalized defaults.
Greet every donor by name and thank them for their continued support.
Tailor gift amount, frequency, and designation based on donor interest and past behavior.
Replace the "I agree" checkbox with frictionless hyperlinks to terms and privacy.
Enable one-click giving by letting donors save their preferred way to pay.
Give donors other ways to pay in case their circumstances have changed.
The post-payment form
Move nice-to-have-but-non-essential fields here, to the post-payment form.
Ask donors to update their contact info after they've made their gift, not before.
Add Google Address Autocomplete for faster checkout, fewer keystrokes, and fewer typos.
No updates? Let donors zip along to the confirmation page.
The confirmation form
Thank your donor again and invite them to multiply their impact.
Steward donors instantly at the moment of giving.
Make it easy for donors to share your campaign on social media and inspire others to give.
Turn every match-eligible donation into two with automated corporate gift matching.

Anatomy of a High-Converting Giving Form
Forms that provide a fast and frictionless checkout experience drive more donor conversions. Tap or roll over each form field below to reveal the optimization tip.