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Provide information around your current online giving form to calculate your potential conversion lift with GiveCampus.

  • Step 1 Your Current Online Giving Form
  • Step 2 Results

How many fields does your form have before the donor is asked for payment information?

This is a required field.

What is the number of required fields?

This is a required field.

Does your giving form autocomplete the donor’s address field?

This is a required field.

Does your giving form offer Venmo and PayPal payment options?

This is a required field.

Is your online giving form designed for a mobile first experience?

This is a required field.

All fields are required*

Your Giving Form Grade is:

A = Total fields is 5 or below Multiple permutations for each grade level

Estimated minimum of additional gifts with GiveCampus:


Estimated minimum of additional dollars with GiveCampus:


Ready to learn more about how to improve online giving at your institution?

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