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What’s New with GiveCampus: More Configurability to Maximize Online Giving

Oct 2024 - READ IN 3 MINUTES

Casey Fish

It’s fall! Which means back to school, pumpkin spice lattes, and getting fundraising back into full swing. As a former Director of Annual Giving myself, I always loved fall fundraising—there was so much opportunity in front of our team and we were excited to try new strategies to help hit our lofty goals. Like all of you, my team and I spent hours developing thoughtful engagement plans and creative solicitations with one goal in mind: raise more money for our deserving students.

GiveCampus understands this and now, as a member of the GiveCampus product team, I wake up every day thinking about what technology we can build to help with that same goal. We’ve been hard at work making improvements to our online giving solutions. Our latest updates offer more configurability and flexibility, all with the goal of helping schools like yours optimize fundraising efforts.

Bold Matches and Challenges Zone: Captivate Like Never Before

You know what’s better than a regular match or challenge? A bold, eye-catching match or challenge! Picture this: custom titles, custom descriptions, and the ability to showcase matches and challenges like never before. It’s like having your own hype squad for every generous donation that rolls in. With these upgrades, schools can now better showcase the significance of these gifts and give a high-five to those big-hearted donors who make it all possible. GiveCampus Partners can access more details on matches and challenges in GiveCampus University (GCU).

GiveCampus Matches and Challenges
Matches and challenges stand out with custom titles, descriptions in an eye-catching display

Winner-Takes-All Challenge: Fresh Giving Thrills

GiveCampus Athletics Challenge
In these winner-takes-all challenges, spark friendly competition among different groups to rally the most support!

Ready, set, donate! Stir up some friendly competition with our winner-takes-all challenges. Pit groups against each other in a time-bound race to see who can rally the most support and turn the heat up on friendly competition! 

Follow the Fund Matches: Because Flexibility Rocks

We get it—you want options. Now you can choose whether your unrestricted match funds follow the donor’s designation or mirror the matching gift’s destination. It’s all about flexibility and donor engagement, making sure every gift counts where it matters most. GiveCampus partners can learn how to set up follow-the-fund matches in GCU.


Your Page, Your Logo: Brand Upgrades

Now you can apply different logos to different campaigns or landing pages, aligning your branding with your strategy. This feature allows schools to better differentiate between campaigns and create a more cohesive experience for donors—because who says fundraising can’t be stylish?

Greater Control, Better Campaign Outcomes: Customize Your Layout

Customized page layouts in GiveCampus
Easily customize and rearrange your page layout to suit your preferences

Rearrange, spotlight, hide—do whatever it takes to craft the perfect campaign layout. With greater control over sections and content, you can ensure your message hits all the right notes with your supporters. It’s like conducting a symphony of generosity.

Big-Time Upgrades for Your Designations: Educate and Engage

GiveCampus Designations Descriptions
Build donor trust with clear designation descriptions—showing exactly where their dollars go and why their support matters

Let’s talk designations. Now you can add optional descriptions during checkout to educate donors on where their dollars are headed. Plus, you can empower your supporters to spread the love across up to 99 designations in a single go. It’s like a buffet of giving options, minus the questionable Jell-O salad. GiveCampus partners can learn how to add and display designations in GCU

With these exciting updates, GiveCampus is more ready than ever to help schools raise the roof (and the funds). Whether you’re aiming for new heights in donor engagement or just want to jazz up your online giving strategy, we’ve got your back. Ready to take your fundraising to the next level? Dive in and let’s make those dollar signs dance!

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