Now you can email constituents right from within GiveCampus
Easier email outreach is just a few clicks away. Build and send beautifully branded emails to smartly segmented lists from wherever you are in GiveCampus—whether you’re launching a giving form, running a social fundraising campaign, or planning a reunion event. No more cutting and pasting, and toggling between tools. No more importing and exporting. No more spamming donors who have already made a gift. Just click … click … click … DONE!
GiveCampus helps power every stage of the educational fundraising cycle
We build software specifically and exclusively for fundraisers at educational institutions. Over the last decade, thousands of your peers have turned to GiveCampus to fuel their fundraising initiatives—and they give both our platform and our people rave reviews. Watch the video to discover why.

Read rave reviews from real GiveCampus users

Streamline everything you do before and after a donor makes a gift
Our fundraising technology streamlines the critical work schools do before and after a donor makes a gift so you can better identify, engage, solicit, and steward those supporters.
Empower donors to make a meaningful difference in under a minute
GiveCampus has the industry’s highest conversion rates so giving is always fast, frictionless, and personal.

Enjoy 100% uptime—all the time
You work too hard to leave the last-mile of the donor experience to chance. You deserve fundraising technology that’s seamless, secure, and 100% reliable.
Experience reliable fundraising technology, expert support, and record-breaking results
This is what the noisiest giving day of the year looks like when you partner with GiveCampus. These are the receipts from GivingTuesday 2024.

Partner with someone who’s been in your shoes
There’s nothing quite like having the ear of someone who’s walked a mile—and then some—in your shoes. The GiveCampus community is a network like no other.
Switching to GiveCampus is easier than you think …
It’s never been easier, or more affordable. In fact, we’ll even help you cover the cost of ending your current contract early.
Ask a fundraising expert for details
Since 2015, 1,500+ educational institutions have raised more than $6 billion on GiveCampus