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Engage, solicit, and steward donors more effectively across every channel

Your constituents are bombarded with messages constantly. Cut through the noise by empowering volunteers and fundraising staff to deliver targeted, personalized communications at scale.

Graphic showing a person connected to multiple communication methods.
Text message thread between fundraiser and constituent displayed on mobile phone

Reach constituents where they are—on their phones

Texting is preferred to phone calls across every demographic, and is more immediately visible than email. Unlock the power of texting with fully compliant SMS and MMS capabilities.

Explore GC Texting

Make your message stand out

Create high-impact appeals, stewardship communications, and branded, mobile-friendly landing pages for virtual events that allow you to host recorded or livestream video.

Explore GC Video

Senior Gift campaign landing page featuring video with Give Now, Learn More, and social share buttons.

Watch open rates soar

Your constituents get hundreds of emails a day. Make your message stand out in a crowded inbox with a personalized peer-to-peer message from a name they know.

Explore GC Volunteer Management


Fundraising Text Message Examples and Best Practices

Texting is easy to personalize, segment, and scale—and surprisingly cost-effective, too. Plus, the open and read rates blow other channels out of the water. Explore these text message best practices.

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Hand of man typing text on mobile smartphone.
2-Minute Product Video

Make texting part of your multichannel fundraising strategy

Texting is one of the most popular channels used by schools today. Click image to see how your school can start leveraging GC Texting to drive meaningful engagement and achieve your fundraising goals.

An email appeal to renew their support on the anniversary of their last gift

Discover the secret to highly effective email solicitations

Make personalized email appeals to recommended donor segments directly from the GiveCampus platform, or export unique giving links to send through your preferred email marketing tool.

Stop spamming donors who have already given

Sync your email marketing software with GiveCampus to automatically remove donors who have already made a gift from future email solicitations.

Emma logo and Constant Contact logos.

Monthly Drop-In Demo

Drop in the first Thursday of every month for a quick 30-minute walkthrough of the GiveCampus platform.

See GiveCampus in action

Why switch to GiveCampus?

Schools who partner with GiveCampus for online giving see an average uptick of 18% in funds raised.

Talk to a fundraising expert