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DePauw University achieves 228% of their donor goal with a boost from digital wallets

DePauw University is a top-ranked, private liberal arts college in Greencastle, Indiana. They partnered with GiveCampus to deliver a better donor experience with modern ways to give.

DePauw University Campus Shot

DePauw partnered with GiveCampus in July of 2023

Their Advancement team found GiveCampus while on the hunt for a new online giving solution that accepted digital wallets. With GiveCampus, they got that and much more, including an event platform.

Solutions provided:

OneTeamDePauw campaign

DePauw University uses GiveCampus to:

Illustration of Smart Phone.

Provide a frictionless donor experience

They leverage mobile-first giving forms and digital wallet payment options to streamline the donation process.

line graph icon

Engage new and lapsed donors

They’re using GiveCampus to gamify their giving experience and appeal to younger constituents and lapsed donors.

Laptop with a heart on the screen

Create tiered campaign structures

The team can now highlight more of the initatives important to their community within a single Giving Day campaign.

DePauw’s first GiveCampus campaign rallied donors and crushed goals

Their OneTeamDePauw campaign rrove record-breaking support for student athletes in the classroom and on the field. DePauw was able to achieve more than double their donor goal.


giving form conversion rate

Nearly 2/3 of all donors who landed on a giving form completed the transaction.


donor goal

A whopping 912 donors made a gift, eclipsing their 400-donor goal.


gifts made via digital wallet

More than half of all gifts to their OneTeamDePauw campaign came via digital wallet.

If we can remove as many obstacles and barriers to giving as possible, it creates an opportunity for us to make more dollars.

Randa Hammett

Senior Alumni Engagement Director at DePauw University

When you hear our tale, you’ll see it’s a testament about how wonderful a platform GiveCampus is.

Al Smith

Associate Vice President for Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement at DePauw University

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Discover how DePauw uses GiveCampus to reduce friction in the giving experience and engage more donors.

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