UTFI partnered with GiveCampus in June of 2023
When the Foundation decided to upgrade their CRM in 2022, they also went shopping for new alumni- and donor-facing digital tools to replace their 12-year-old legacy platform. They chose GiveCampus.
Solutions provided

The Foundation is currently using GiveCampus to:
Host tiered social fundraising campaigns
Now all 7 school instances are able to host their own page and track gifts with a thermometer specific to their group.
Add unlimited designations to giving forms
The Foundation has 43 designation groups with over 1,900 funds, 500 of which are now hidden but searchable.
Expand their digital wallet options
After adding ACH and Venmo, UTFI saw a 73% percent spike in digital wallet donations.
The launch of online giving was seamless and ahead of schedule
Not only did UTFI launch 3 days early, they were able to seamlessly roll out all 7 school instances in GiveCampus with 19 live giving forms, 3 active social fundraising campaigns, and ZERO downtime.
Download the full case study
Discover how UT Foundation was able to implement a new CRM and update six tools in their tech stack—including their legacy online giving platform—ahead of schedule.
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