Reach the 1 in 4 donors who select Apple Pay and Venmo as their payment method of choice
Almost 40 percent of donors paid with a digital wallet last year—a highly coveted segment you simply can’t afford to ignore.
Digital wallets are increasingly popular among every donor demographic
Everyone from students and young alumni to the Class of ’75 is embracing digital wallets. And schools that choose to accept Paypal, Venmo, and ApplePay see higher conversion rates as a result.

Tap a new and rapidly growing community of generous donors who prefer to give with crypto
Many major donor prospects enjoy the tax benefits of making cryptocurrency donations—and with GiveCampus you can easily accept their charitable contributions. GiveCampus currently supports 75 cryptocurrencies.
Raise even more dollars by accepting Donor Advised Funds
DAFpay is a fast, secure, and reliable way for supporters to give to your school through their Donor Advised Fund—and they can do it in under 15 seconds on GiveCampus.

Why do DAFs matter?
DAFs make up a significant percentage of annual giving in the US—and, right now, there is approximately $230 billion sitting in DAF accounts ready to be donated.
Bi-Monthly Drop-In Demo
Drop in the first and third Thursday of every month for a quick 45-minute walkthrough of the GiveCampus platform.
See GiveCampus in Action